Ending the war has not been easy and will not get easier. Saying goodbye to a military presence in a foreign soil will be much easier to dream about than it will be to actually do. There is nothing about ending the war that has been a piece of cake. So, that means that efforts must still be taken to bring the troops home. So if you haven’t had a chance to get the war efforts working out in your area here are some very simple things you can do to end the war once and for all.
The first thing you can do is write to the people in charge. You elected your current senator. Let them know how this war affects you and your family. Let them know that in no uncertain terms that if they vote for bills and amendments to other bills that will result in troops spending further time overseas in a war that they will deal with you starting an effort to get them out of office. These aren’t kind words but they are the only words worth getting your senators attention.
You might feel like it’s high time you started your own charity to help out the troops but you’d be better off hooking yourself up with an organization with an established history and solid standing in the community. You are going to need their already established connections to make things happen.
That doesn’t mean you can only be a quiet participant. The truth of the matter is that you can be far more than that. All you have to do is step up your efforts by volunteering for everything you can. Now, once you have explored these avenues you will find yourself feeling good about the hopes of bringing the troops home safe and sound.
Он,Afghanistan is a very serious topic
Damn, man, my brother was in Afghanistan. He told me how hard to survive there. Peace!
I love afghanistan! My favorite country
what a dangerous place!
i am really scared
It's terrible when man killing men.
As survival is the primal instinct of humans, waging war is one of the basic instincts of society
my brother died in afghanistan 2 years ago
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